"Jesus showed he cared about people / gained theirconfidence , took care of their needs and then offered them salvation."

Battle Cry Ministry

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JMO is an outreach project of Battle Cry Ministry (BCM). The philosophy of JMO is to follow Jesus' strategy of getting acquainted with people, satisfying their needs and then offering them salvation. Hence, we enter depressed communities, interview persons, ascertain their needs and whether or not they would accept assistance. We then seek to satisfy the needs as best as we can, winning their confidence and trust. We sustain the giving and ad counseling and advice - we keep going over and over again because Jesus loved us and He died for us. However, He not only died for us - but lived for us. He lived a perfect life of example - a life of love. Love is the motivation that drives this project - and we give sacrificially to the cause. Every time we enter a community to distribute food packages, clothes, shoes, handbags, stuffed toys, et cetera, we exercise faith in God's ability to provide for us, to continue to bless us - but also in His ability to change lives through the work that we do and the model of Jesus we portray. After catering to the physical needs we begin to introduce Jesus / the plan of salvation - through literature, invites to church, witnessing of Jesus and His love, praying for individuals and groups and offering the Discover Bible Guides lessons. Currently we are in two communities - one has just started and one has reached the stage where we have been offering them Jesus. Nineteen persons signed up for the Discover Bible Guide lessons and some have now completed - and are curious to know more. We plan to sponsor two Bible Workers to work in the community as soon as possible as we are mindful of the fact that we need to act while the interest is high and the enquiring minds are seeking answers. While some of our members can offer / conduct Bible Studies they are unable to be in the community regularly / during weekdays because because of their engagement in full time work and / or school. The Bible Workers are not being contemplated because we do not want to do the work (for myself, the greatest desire of my heart is to be able to do lay ministry work full time) - but because we just cannot do so at this time. The Bible Workers are very much needed - and as soon as possible. The community is large and there is much interest and curiosity - enough to occupy the two Bible Workers for at least six months in the first instance.

Providing payment for two Bible Workers means a lot more sacrifice, much more faith and a continuing zeal and love for the people. However, we recognize the need to ask for help - in order to carry through this aspect of the project while at the same time continuing the work that has begun in the second community. The goal of the Ministry is to extend our reach, to be Jesus' hands and feet throughout the entire Jamaica - one community at a time. We want to see souls saved / ready for the Kingdom of God. We are also thinking about following up the Bible Work with a reaping meeting of some sort.

We have also assisted a family

We solicit your earnest prayers and financial support for this project.


May God richly BLESS you!


W. Farquharson


Battle Cry Ministry 






Burnt Out House

Family loses their houses in Church Pen.



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If you have questions please email: battlecryministry2004@yahoo.com

Also, please let us know how you have been blessed by this website. GOD BLESS!